Result Filters

General Overview [All Districts]

Description Results
Interview period 15-Oct-2024 to 10-Nov-2024
Total number of Respondents 1,191 [Male:527 Female:664]
Number of Subcounties 15
Age of Respondent (years) Avg: 42 Min: 18 Max: 93
a1. Distance (walking minutes) from the residence to the closest open-air market Avg: 92 Min: 1 Max: 999
a2. Distance (walking minutes) from the residence to the nearest government extension service provider’s office Avg: 93 Min: 1 Max: 999
a3. Distance (walking minutes) from the residence to the nearest input (fertilizer vines pesticides herbicides) selling point Avg: 84 Min: 1 Max: 999
a4b. Distance (walking minutes) to the nearest electricity source Avg: 18 Min: 1 Max: 180
a4c. Distance (walking minutes) to the nearest source of piped water Avg: 8 Min: 1 Max: 120
a4d. Distance to the nearest shopping center (walking minutes) Avg: 26 Min: 1 Max: 180

Respondent categorisation by District [All Districts]
Code Description Freq Percent
2560101 Amuria 1,191 100.00
Overall 1,191 100.00

Respondent categorisation by Sex [All Districts]
Code Description Freq Percent
00 Female 664 55.75
01 Male 527 44.25
Overall 1,191 100.00

Age of Respondents (categories) [All Districts]
Code Description Freq Percent
04 Youths 18-35 years 476 39.97
05 Adults 36-60 years 548 46.01
06 Elderly (above 60 years) 167 14.02
Overall 1,191 100.00

Youth or Adult [All Districts]
Code Description Freq Percent
02 Youths (18-35 years) 476 39.97
03 Adults (above 35 years) 715 60.03
Overall 1,191 100.00

Highest level of education of Respondent [All Districts]
Code Description Freq Percent
01 No education 110 9.24
02 Primary 770 64.65
03 Secondary education 261 21.91
04 Tertiary certificate 42 3.53
05 Bachelor Degree 6 0.50
06 Master’s Degree 2 0.17
Overall 1,191 100.00

Marital Status of Respondent [All Districts]
Code Description Freq Percent
01 Single 52 4.37
02 Married 931 78.17
03 Divorced 14 1.18
04 Widow / widower 131 11.00
05 Separated 63 5.29
Overall 1,191 100.00

Relationship of Respondent to Household Head [All Districts]
Code Description Freq Percent
01 Head 711 59.70
02 Spouse 420 35.26
03 Son/daughter 42 3.53
04 Grandson/daughter; son/daughter in-law 5 0.42
05 Uncle /Aunt 1 0.08
06 Parent 8 0.67
07 Brother/sister 2 0.17
95 Other relative 2 0.17
Overall 1,191 100.00

Primary occupation of respondent [All Districts]
Code Description Freq Percent
01 Crop farming 1,117 93.79
02 Livestock 1 0.08
03 Bee keeping 1 0.08
04 Small business 42 3.53
05 Wage worker 2 0.17
06 Formal employment 21 1.76
07 Art and craft 1 0.08
95 Other 6 0.50
Overall 1,191 100.00

Household size (number of household members) [All Districts]
Code Description Freq Percent
01 1-3 members 154 12.93
02 4-6 members 284 23.85
03 7-9 members 537 45.09
04 10 plus members 216 18.14
Overall 1,191 100.00

What is the type of road from homestead to the nearest sweetpotato selling point? [All Districts]
Code Description Freq Percent
01 Tarmac 36 3.02
02 Motor able road 476 39.97
03 All weather 228 19.14
04 Dry weather only 110 9.24
05 Foot path 333 27.96
95 Others 8 0.67
Overall 1,191 100.00

Is there an electricity source in the village? [All Districts]
Code Description Freq Percent
00 No 952 79.93
01 Yes 239 20.07
Overall 1,191 100.00

Is there piped water in the village? [All Districts]
Code Description Freq Percent
00 No 1,091 91.60
01 Yes 100 8.40
Overall 1,191 100.00

Respondent categorisation by Subcounties [All Districts]
Code Description Freq Percent
256010101 Abarilela 69 5.79
256010102 Abia 51 4.28
256010103 Akeriau 68 5.71
256010104 Amolo 79 6.63
256010105 Amuria TC 39 3.27
256010106 Apeduru 78 6.55
256010107 Asamuk 138 11.59
256010108 Kuju 90 7.56
256010109 Morungatuny 71 5.96
256010110 Ogolai 90 7.56
256010111 Ogongora 60 5.04
256010112 Olwa 91 7.64
256010113 Orungo 79 6.63
256010114 Wera 100 8.40
256010115 Willa 88 7.39
Overall 1,191 100.00

[SP PRODUCTION] c6.2. In which seasons did you grow sweetpotato [All Districts]
Note: results are from Roster Table
Code Description Freq Percent
01 Jul - Dec 2023 772 47.83
02 Jan - Jun 2024 842 52.17
Overall 1,614 100.00

[VARIETIES GROWN] c9.0. Which varieties of sweetpotato have you ever grown [All Districts]
Note: results are from multiple-choice responses
Code Description Freq Percent
03 Alero 1 0.03
04 Apaka paka 1 0.03
06 Araka Araka 392 9.89
07 Ateseke 309 7.80
10 Bunduguza 2 0.05
12 Egang/Emalayan 88 2.22
13 Ejumula 166 4.19
14 Kakamega 51 1.29
15 Kampala 165 4.16
20 La Lira 114 2.88
25 Naspot 1 (Bwenje) 8 0.20
27 Naspot 11 (Tomulabula) 1 0.03
28 Naspot 12 (Gerald) 1 0.03
29 Naspot 13 (Jowelia) 147 3.71
30 Naspot 8 2 0.05
33 New Dimbuka 187 4.72
34 New Kawogo 6 0.15
37 Okonynedo 21 0.53
41 Tanzania/ Osukut 592 14.93
42 Tera 1 0.03
44 Iboi/ Osapat/ Esapat 684 17.26
45 Epuusa 255 6.43
46 Asiira 52 1.31
47 Adupa 57 1.44
48 Namukoma 65 1.64
49 Imutugulu 11 0.28
50 Iriko 9 0.23
95 Others 576 14.53
Overall 3,964 100.00

[INPUTS USED] c10.2. Types of input used on sweetpotato plots [All Districts]
Note: results are from Roster Table
Code Description Freq Percent
01 Fertilizer 2 0.12
02 Vines 1,411 84.14
03 Fungicide 2 0.12
04 Pesticide 15 0.89
05 Packaging cost 135 8.05
06 Transport costs 77 4.59
07 Postharvest costs 18 1.07
95 Others 17 1.01
Overall 1,677 100.00

[SP TECHNOLOGIES] d4. Which sweetpotato-producing technologies have you ever used? [All Districts]
Note: results are from multiple-choice responses
Code Description Freq Percent
01 Improved varieties 618 87.17
02 Good Agricultural Practice (three cuttings per mound) 91 12.83
Overall 709 100.00

[FARM ASSETS] e4.0. What farm assets/ implements do you have? [All Districts]
Note: results are from multiple-choice responses
Code Description Freq Percent
01 Ox-plough 521 14.40
02 Ox/donkey cart 3 0.08
03 Wheelbarrow 132 3.65
05 Hoe 1,182 32.68
06 Axes 690 19.08
07 Panga/knife 826 22.84
09 Spray 253 6.99
95 Other 8 0.22
96 None 2 0.06
Overall 3,617 100.00

[INFO SOURCES] c3.0. What were your major sources of information on sweetpotato production and marketing during the last 12 months [All Districts]
Note: results are from multiple-choice responses
Code Description Freq Percent
01 Other farmer 285 23.30
02 Farmer groups/cooperative 11 0.90
03 Extension officer 72 5.89
04 Retailer 1 0.08
06 Vine multipliers 1 0.08
07 Research station 8 0.65
08 Radios 5 0.41
09 NGOs (CIP, etc.) 2 0.16
11 SMS Messages 1 0.08
12 Religious Leaders 1 0.08
95 Others 162 13.25
96 None 674 55.11
Overall 1,223 100.00

[CREDIT ACCESS] f7.0. What were your major sources of credit in the last 12 months [All Districts]
Note: results are from multiple-choice responses
Code Description Freq Percent
01 Commercial bank 35 4.37
02 Government program 117 14.61
03 Microfinance 20 2.50
04 Cooperative/ farmer group 2 0.25
05 NGO 6 0.75
06 Village Savings and Loans (VSL) 544 67.92
07 Women group 8 1.00
09 Family, neighbor, friend 56 6.99
10 Loan sharks 3 0.37
95 Other 9 1.12
96 None 1 0.12
Overall 801 100.00

[SOCIAL NETWORKS] f11.0. Which associations/ groups do you belong to [All Districts]
Note: results are from multiple-choice responses
Code Description Freq Percent
01 Cooperative/ association 13 1.04
02 Credit and saving group 433 34.78
03 Production and marketing group 5 0.40
04 Women group 35 2.81
05 Youth group 10 0.80
06 Trader group 2 0.16
07 Sweetpotato farming group 2 0.16
08 Village group 349 28.03
95 Other 13 1.04
96 None 383 30.76
Overall 1,245 100.00